About SaluVera

Brand Story

When we look in the mirror we don’t just see skin stretched over bones. We see ourselves, with all our love, and personality, and promise. We see our most cherished memories, and our family traits. We see our mother’s eyes. Our father’s smile. We see ourselves.

Sometimes feeling like ourselves means more than being able to do the things we love. Sometimes feeling like ourselves means looking like ourselves, too.


Our Mission:

At SaluVera, we know that feeling your best includes looking your best. We are dedicated to bringing your truest health to the surface, by treating your skin like royalty.

Our Values:

Our values are simply this: When you look your best, we feel our best. When you thrive, we thrive.
We fulfill these values by consistently delivering high-quality, natural skin products, made in the USA.

SaluVera means ‘true health’, because health is about more than feeling well, and having energy. True health should begin within, and radiate without.

SaluVera means you feel your best, AND look your best.


If you have any questions, contact us at :  info@saluvera.com